School of Nursing and Midwifery
University College Cork
M.Phil/PhD Examination Experience 2007: PhD- Nurses’ perceptions of quality nursing care: A grounded theory study of overloading. School of Nursing, Southern Cross University, Lismore NSW, Australia. 2007: PhD- The temporal integration of connected study into a structured life: a Grounded Theory. School of Computing University of Portsmouth, United Kingdom. 2007: M.Phil- Attitudinal Shifting: a Grounded Theory of health promotion in Coronary Care. School of Nursing, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand. 2009: PhD- Identity Commitment in the context of Psychosis: a Grounded Theory Study. School of Nursing. Dublin City University, Ireland.
I have successfully supervised many PhD students using Classical Grounded Theory. I also meet regularly with students from other universities and advise them on the use of Grounded Theory.
I have attended and assisted at numerous Grounded Theory seminars sponsored by the Grounded Theory Institute and led by Dr. Glaser; led seminars in Ireland as part of a qualitative research summer school; led seminars in Brisbane, Australia; and with Helen Scott in Cork, Dublin, Malta, Manchester and London.
McCallin, A., Nathanial, A. ? Andrews, T. (2011). Learning Methodology Minus Mentorship. In: Martin, V.B. and Gynnild, A. Grounded Theory The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney Glaser. Boca Raton, Florida: Brown Walker Press.
Andrews, T. and Nathanial, A. (2009) Awareness of dying revisited. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Vol.24 No. 3 p189-193
Andrews, T. (2007) “Reflections on the Discovery of Grounded Theory”. The Grounded Theory Review: An International Journal. Special Edition
Kelleher, S. and Andrews, T. (2008) An observational study on the open system endotracheal suctioning practices of critical care nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing Vol. 17, 3 p360-369
Andrews, T. and Waterman, H. (2008) What factors influence arterial blood gas sampling patterns? Nursing in Critical Care. Vol. 13 No. 3 p132-137
Andrews, T. and Waterman, H. (2007) “Visualising Worsening Progressions” p17-35, in Glaser, B and Holton, J (Ed) The Grounded Theory Seminar Reader. Sociology Press. Mill Valley.
Nathanial, A. and Andrews, T. (2007) How Grounded Theory can improve nursing care quality. Journal of Nursing Care Quality. Vol.22 No. 4 p350-357
Andrews, T. (2007) Doing Formal Grounded Theory: a review. The Grounded Theory Review: An International Journal. Vol. 6 No. 3. 91-93
Andrews, T. (2006) The purpose of the literature review in Grounded Theory The Grounded Theory Review: An International Journal. Vol. 5 No. 3, 29-33
Andrews, T. and Waterman, H. (2005) Visualising deteriorating conditions. The Grounded Theory Review: An International Journal. Vol. 4 No.2, 63-93
Andrews, T. and Waterman, H. (2005) Packaging: a grounded theory of how to report physiological deterioration effectively. Journal of Advanced Nursing 52(5) 473-481