Helen Scott

Helen Scott Grounded Theory Online

Registered office: St. John’s Street
E: helen@groundedtheoryonline.com
S: groundedtheoryonline


Services Offered:

  • methodological mentoring
  • PhD thesis/dissertation review
  • supporting supervisors new to classic GT
  • paper review
  • online and real-world seminars
  • grounded theory research
  • qualitative research
  • evaluation
  • market research


PhD [in information systems using Grounded Theory research method] University of Portsmouth 2007. Examiners: Dr. Barney Glaser and Dr. Tom Andrews
MSc Information Systems (Distinction) 2005
B.A.(Hons) Business Studies 1985

Experience as a classic Grounded Theory Researcher:

Attended Glaser’s Grounded Theory seminars: London 2003; Malmo 2003; New York 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010; Stockholm 2005, 2014; San Francisco 2005, 2009, 2012, 2017 plus the Advanced Seminar in 2012
Seminar co-ordinator: London 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008
Seminar leader (with Judith Holton and Antoinette McCallin): Manchester (2008), Oxford (2010)
Seminar leader (with Tom Andrews) Malta (2011), Dublin (2012, 2017), Cork (2013), Manchester, (2013), London (2015, 2016), Galway, (2019).
Seminar and Workshop leader: London (2016, 2017), Petersfield (2018, 2019).

PhD study: Substantive area: Adult online distance learning. Substantive population: Adult online learners.
Peer review editor Grounded Theory Review
Fellow of the Grounded Theory Institute

Experience as an Online Educator:

School of Computing, University of Portsmouth: As a research Research Assistant – I researched and developed the ‘Integrated Pedagogical and Community Model’; a model for designing online learning for postgraduates. Also developed and co-tutored pilot unit based on this model: Engineering Interactive Learning Applications

Co-developed and sole tutor for online MSc unit Training Applications with Knowledge Media

Co-developed online MSc unit: Web Programming for Educational Applications.

Tutor online MSc unit Research Methods for Strategic Business Information Technology.

Online MSc Project Supervision

Institute of Education, University of London: Developed and ran 3 week option on Certificate in Online Education and Training for . Run three times in 2002 and 2003.

Training: 5 week online course in E-moderating with Gilly Salmon


Didier A, Nathaniel A, Scott H, Look S, Benaroyo L, Zumstein-Shaha M. Protecting Personhood: A Classic Grounded Theory. Qualitative Health Research. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/10497323231190329

MOURATIDOU, M., CROWDER, M., SCOTT, H.M.P. (2020) Grounded theory through the lenses of interpretation and translation. The Grounded Theory Review: An international journal (19 (2).

SCOTT, H. M. P. (2020). Prevention, early intervention and raising awareness of gambling harms: a rapid evidence assessment of the transferability of prevention / early intervention approaches to the gambling sector. Prepared for GambleAware, London.

MASON, S.T., BEGELFER, A., WANG, C., O’DAY, R., SCOTT,H.M.P, LEA, J., BROWN, K., ARROYO, L., TURGISS, J. A mixed methods evaluation of a pilot resilience training course on stress management. Public Health Open J. 2019; 4(1): 1-7.  [Paper also presented to the American Psychological Association 2018 Conference, San Francisco, California].

HART, P. & SCOTT, H. (2017). Mark maximising in a context of uncertain contribution: a grounded theory in progress. The Grounded Theory Review: An international journal, 16(1).

SCOTT, H. (2017). Growing grounded theory: doing my bit. The Grounded Theory Review: An international journal, 16(1)

SCOTT, H. (2017). The grounded theory perspective: Its origin and growth, Glaser, B.G. Author of book. Reviewed in: Grounded Theory Review, 16(1). June, 2017.

THULESIUS, H.O., SCOTT, H., HELGESSON, G., LYNOE, N. (2013). De-tabooing dying control – a grounded theory study. BMC Palliative Care 2013 12:13.

SCOTT, H. (2012). Data Analysis: Getting Conceptual. In: Holton, J.A. & Glaser, B.G., (Eds.), The Grounded Theory Review Methodology Reader: Selected Papers 2004-2011. Mill Valley, CA: Sociology Press.

SCOTT, H. (2011). Conducting Grounded Theory Interviews Online. In: Martin, V.B. and Gynnild, A. (Eds.), Grounded Theory The Philosophy, Method and Work of Barney Glaser. Boca Raton, Florida: Brown Walker Press.

SCOTT, H. (2009). Data Analysis: Getting Conceptual. The Grounded Theory Review: An international journal, 8(2), 89 – 109

SCOTT, H. (2007). The Temporal Integration of Connected Study into a Structured Life: A Grounded Theory. In B. G. Glaser & J. A. Holton (Eds.), The Grounded Theory Seminar Reader 2007. Mill Valley, California: Sociology Press.

SCOTT, H. (2007a). The Temporal Integration of Connected Study into a Structured Life: A Grounded Theory. The Grounded Theory Review: An international journal, 6(2), 95 – 115.

SCOTT, H. (2007b). The Temporal Integration of Connected Study into a Structured Life: A Grounded Theory (Download the 1966 Kb pdf file). University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth.

JEFFCOTE, R., MORICE, J., & SCOTT,H. (2006) Bringing down the barriers to studying in the Creative Industries in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight: University of Portsmouth

KING T., SCOTT, H. (2002). Realising the post-graduate experience in online learning. Knowledge Forum and the research curriculum. Workshop: Institute for Knowledge Innovation and Technology, Workshop presentation.

KING T., ROSBOTTOM, J., SCOTT H., (2002). Maintaining interactivity in distance HCI education. BCS Human Computer Interaction. Workshop presentation.

KING, T. and SCOTT, H. (2001) Community Building On-line: Improving Access to Continuing Professional Development for Part-time Post-graduates, in Handbook of CAL2001 Conference, Learning across the ages – looking back and looking forwards, University of Warwick, April, 249

KING T., ROSBOTTOM, J., SCOTT, H., (2001). Implementing Web-based Collaborative Problem-based Learning, in Handbook of 8th Int. Conf. ALT-C 2001: Changing Learning Environments, University of Edinburgh, 11-13 Sept, p.168 University of York, 4-6 July, Session 70